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12/08/17 11:48 AM

#33824 RE: FullDeck #33823

No one cares that some good ol’ boys didn’t realize they had to be public and registered with SEC before finding investors... next.


12/08/17 11:57 AM

#33825 RE: FullDeck #33823

Add to the mix... Cresent in "receivership"?

I'll leave it to the legal eagles to determine if this is a bankruptcy related "receivership" or not, but here it is FWIW:

The full original can be found by going to

and doing an "All words" search for: Cresent Construction Company receivership

Receiverships are normally used during bankruptcies, but there may be other uses. Not sure of the use here.


slow okie

12/08/17 1:09 PM

#33830 RE: FullDeck #33823

Appreciate the posting...In evaluation of a trade or investment, certain information should be sought about the entity the trade or investment being pursued..

To dismiss the information found in the PETITION as "some good ol boys didn't realize they had to be public and registered with the SEC before finding investors" and "it is pretty irrelevant really" is somewhat premature and mistaken.

As disclosed in item 16 of the petition, the so-called good ole boys DID KNOW that they had been directed to cease and desist offering unregistered securities being pedalled in North Dakota on September 21, 1990.

Despite that cease and desist order, Robert Widner failed to disclose to Wisconsin investors that material fact in a letter to them dated November 9, 1990 a mere 6 weeks after the North Dakota cease and desist order. He did this because "they" had done "their research" and believed the Arbco contract WAS NOT A SECURITY"

items # 7,11,12, 13, 14, 16, and 17 of the petition need to be read in conjunction with one another and digested..

these actions go to credibility and compliance with the law


na na

01/02/18 11:47 PM

#34062 RE: FullDeck #33823

Nice sticky.


01/17/18 3:42 AM

#35084 RE: FullDeck #33823

This so called document is almost 15 years old, is this even relevant to IHSI? Hmmmm


01/24/18 10:12 AM

#35573 RE: FullDeck #33823

That info was from 1990. 28 years ago.