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12/08/17 10:38 AM

#4514 RE: Cheds #4513

The only way right now I lose money on my puts is that GE announces selling one of their division's or two..then I would loss $$$$ big time because the stock price would go up dramatically! However, I plan on selling the last trading day in Dec and I don't think the aforementioned will happen this year if it happens at all

Prudent Capitalist

12/08/17 10:56 AM

#4517 RE: Cheds #4513

The recent heavy insider buying is a good sign. And, with Jeff Immelt finally gone for good (Thank God) and a new CEO in place, there is hope for long time investors. However, a return to the $30's, much less the $40's which were a given for GE back in the 90's, may be quite a ways off. The divi, even at its reduced level, is a positive, and investors would do well to take those dividends in new shares through a DRIP plan or similar arrangement with their broker, to accumulate more shares and build a stronger position and take advantage of any more dips.


12/11/17 1:28 PM

#4533 RE: Cheds #4513

Are we still a “bottom play” or was I right when I said this was not a bottom play yet. Needs to get down to my $12-$13 target. I think we can both agree that I was correct.