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12/08/17 3:16 AM

#139219 RE: Maddog 112 #139204

So far this company is bla bla bla , nothing has happened! No signed megadeals, no big contracts, nothing ! Our shares keep getting diluted and at least my dream is getting vanished everyday .
Been here for 12 months and only empty promises, a R/S sounds unstoppable next year and people keep dreaming that a megadeal is about to happen . BS !
Where is the India deal with Darkpulse ? Where are the big contracts with governments around the world ? Where is the money in the bank ?
Losing faith here and I feel we are not making money in this company , someone else is playing with our money and hope !
I don’t believe anything else neither put more money here till I see any , at least one promise of Mr.Celluci happening! So far bla bla bla ! Sad Christmas here ! Very disappointed!
I am not bashing , I just feel frustrated and misleading!