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12/08/17 12:08 PM

#65936 RE: RJB225 #65935

bring a lawsuit and that info will come out in discovery. I would lay odds she would then start bargaining!


12/08/17 2:00 PM

#65937 RE: RJB225 #65935

there were email responses posted here from Fat Fran that gave hints and proof that her private company was taking over clients from boreal

i remember one that someone was asking about i think a client in Tawain that if they were still a doing business with boreal and fat franny said yes they are buying from saint ellie

It was as if she was shoving it in our face but at the time no one thought anything of it

i'm sure there are a few emails from her that she slipped up with conflicting info between the two companies


12/10/17 12:23 PM

#65939 RE: RJB225 #65935

As the new CEO of BRWC - who has access to the
Financial Statements and Contracts - Robert Stevens
should be completing a comprehensive Audit and
a review of the Contracts signed with BRWC per
your complaint on behalf of Shareholders.