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02/11/18 3:25 PM

#21100 RE: chainma1l #21097

It is indeed an amazing company in the sense that their public statements are supported by Facts. I have been with IDTA for quite some time and all these years of experience certify that
Mr. Yacov is
(1). Immune to criticism and
(2). has no respect towards shareholders
(3). To fool shareholders and to make the company survive on "Life Supporting False Statements".
(4). Share holders get a kick describing Yacov in bad lanquage and that is what he earned from me.
(5). One good thing is the company is SURVIVING FOR NAMESAKE !!!
(6). Also, I went to the Walgreen store yesterday and to my surprise, I did not find any IDTA product there. It looks like they pulled it from the shelves. It is unfortunate but that's what Yacov deserves for his mismanagement of the Company.
(7). Probably we the shareholders deserve that too because a lot of us are not screaming and yelling at Yacov and SEC.
(8). Let us be patient with IDTA for another 3 years and hope that IDTA gets out of Life Support.