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superheated gas

12/05/17 6:12 PM

#54993 RE: cngreen #54979

The last time the wrong A/S and R/S were published by a company was P*PM and we all know what happend after that... suspension by the SEC and resume on grey markets...


01/01/18 3:26 PM

#55731 RE: cngreen #54979

That's because it's not a 1:30 R/S. It's a 1:2500 R/S. The reverse split ratio applies to the O/S. Many pinks (mostly scams) keep the A/S the same so they could dilute more. Some (like MMEG) reduce the A/S by a smaller ratio, while very few pinks reduce it by the same ratio.

So 24,950,000,000 divided by 850,000,000 is 29.3529. Its not even a 30 for 1 split.

Ive never seen such bad math. Its no wonder these clowns cant run a company. they are fiscally incompetent.