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12/05/17 12:10 PM

#11796 RE: 9HikeDiscGolf #11778

Scorpion Works is a division in the company like Lockheads Skunk Works, Boeing Phantom Works, Googles X Division or Targets Crime Lab (I believe CEO was affiliated with Skunk and Phantom in some way in the past). I was told by a Senator that the CEO has a long history in secretive projects (Special Forces, CIA and something called SCS which I have never heard of) and its one of the reasons hes widely respected out of Washington DC. Its because of this tha tI have remained so optimistic about the company. You dont get to that place in the government if you are not a straight arrow. It also means that this man probably has some pretty serious projects under wraps in the companys secret division.

I did call the IR guys yesterday and asked about when we could expect a press release and they told me they didnt know. I called back and asked to speak with Mr. Umbra and he was in a meeting. I sent him an e-mail and he replied this morning. The basic gist was that he could not "comment on specific time of release or content" but that the company will be putting a few things out before the end of the year. Not exactly helpful or informative but it is something I guess.