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Gold Seeker

09/29/06 10:50 AM

#5469 RE: HALF FULL GLASS #5467

The PSA test is obviously much less directive than originally thought and we know for a fact that RECAF is totally non directive. So where do you start. The testing companies are selling tons of the PSA tests so they will not toss those out but would like to try to improve the results by selling additional tests. It will be all about money.

You just give a RECAF test set for high selectivity out of the blue, no clinical symptoms, and you get a hit. Now what? Is the insurance industry going to pay for a hunting expedition in an otherwise healthy person? I actually liked the patent that was posted sometime ago using a CAT scan to show the location of the tagged AFP.

They have stated that RECAF is to be used for prostate cancer. What if the patient has an enlarged prostate when examined is benign but in reality has the beginnings of colon cancer. This just opens up a can of worms for the doctor. If anything is delaying ABT from acting, it would be the interpretation of the data. They will have to show something definitive in trials.