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12/04/17 6:40 PM

#63177 RE: chrislal #63176

Everyone should always do their own DD. ALWAYS!!!


12/04/17 10:54 PM

#63179 RE: chrislal #63176

Nice work Christal! And unannounced too.

Nice he spoke with you. I'm sure he received your phone messages. Checking voice mail at least once every two days seems basic as a top exec.

Any further specific of understanding as to what keeps Namoya closed? Rebel blockades? Direct threat ipon the mine?

Announcement did say they were not going to file Q3 report, rather than to issue it late. Seems their continued intent. A bit strange.

Different exchange (halt) rules CA or US.

Sure curious about more particulars (specifics) of their expenditures. Mngt/exec salaries seem highest costs.
We were informed by mngt long time ago that rainy season was mitigated and rainy season issue of mine production interruptions were resolved at Twangiza. And close to addressed and mitigated at Namoya.

About no BK in their discussions or consideration, this is very interesting... If in fact true. We have been lied to before by Banro mngt.
Rory Taylor is also quite new to Banro.

As to your investment: sure is some interesting volume happening with Banro. Is this the capitulation volume which signals a bottom? Highest daily volume ever was today. At one third of last week's weekly volume record, just today. Already about a third of the total BAA float in just the past five weeks. I can see BAA going to $.70. I can see BAA going to $.03. Free reign trading on the U.S. side with Canadian side halted. That's not a positive for the longer term, it seems.

Must remember all the give-a-ways already provided by mngt to the large stakeholders.

And question for Rory: Why is Banro in this situation at all if and after they just did a Recapitalization? Mngt and board provide no to little faith.


12/04/17 11:55 PM

#63180 RE: chrislal #63176

Thank you very much for sharing your information.
Incidentally, I agree with the answer from StockitOut.
Thanks again and good luck.


12/22/17 1:48 PM

#63233 RE: chrislal #63176

"His response was that it (bk) is not being discussed as an option." technically correct. Misleading, however considering nature of your question was essentially encompassing with regard to Commons maintaining equity.