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09/29/06 8:46 AM

#102488 RE: jdouble #102484

Nice post jd. Additionally, when you consider how many shares just this one board on the internet owns, there is no public float.

Let me repeat that so everyone hears.

There is no public float.

The float we see traded each and every day is way above and beyond what should be legally trading. Yes, many of those trades represent actual buys and sells of the day. However, the FTD's in this stock are *huge*.

There is no public float.

I believe when we hit .40 cents, the MM's and hedgefunds will begin getting seriously uncomfortable and we could see a tidal wave of short covering.


09/29/06 9:03 AM

#102508 RE: jdouble #102484

jdouble Great post however there is one question. The forward split you were speaking of would be 2for1 if I read you correctly. My additional comment is this. With a 2for1 split comes about the PPS then goes in half. If they are to go to the big board they will need a $4 PPS. This said the split would need to be soon or the PPS will need to rise to $8 before doing a split. Either way a wonderful opportunity is lieing ahead wouldn't you say.


09/29/06 9:05 AM

#102511 RE: jdouble #102484

Question: Is it possible that brokerage who sold the shorted shares, could refuse to give you the shares if they cannot get them when the sqeeze comes.


09/29/06 9:23 AM

#102530 RE: jdouble #102484

JDouble - Thanks for a very informative post.

I am a first time poster; I am long SLJB, but only for 1.5 months after watching for a few months. Very excited about SLJB's future, and I continue to hold through all the volatility in the stock and the "noise" on the board.

I know between myself and another long holder (that helped me spot this opportunity) we have around 1.3 million shares, or supposedly 10% of the so-called post-Wessal-buying "public float". And we're only 2 people, and we don't post much. If you all (or y'all as they say here in Texas) have as many shares as each of you claim, it seems to me that the purported "longs" on this board must hold many times this public float (this assumes Wessal is already done buying; which most definitely may be an incorrect assumption).

I guess even after JDouble's great post, I'm still trying to figure out this arithmetic.

Just wondering out loud. Thanks,



09/29/06 9:41 AM

#102558 RE: jdouble #102484

Hello, JD.. You sound like myself posting on the Board. LOL.

You are one of the few that seems to understainding whats really going to hapenn once the AF are out. Good for you.

The few things we do not know at this this time are.

Have the previous insiders sold or are they holding some or all of there shares?? IE 3 at 40 million each??

Has Wessal started buying?? Some feel they have some feel they are not able to buy until after the AF are out..

In any event 138 million shares are in the Public Float. This is assuming that the current insiders still are holding all there 362 million shares.

Regardless if the previous insiders are selling or not.. Regardless if Wessal has or has not started buying..

I am of the opinion that there are a lot of Naked Shorted Shares from the Past that are going to be need covering. Some are estimationg 200-300 million from LFWK.. That number seems reasonable..

If Current insiders hold and Wessal buys there shares.. You only have 13 million shares around..Demand for those shares are going to send the PPS to much higher levels.. Some are going to be AWE Struck a month after AF come out..

Remember If Current Insiders hold there shares and if Wessal does indeed buys and holds there shares.. The currentretail holders have the shares the Shorts are going to need to cover there open short positions..


This board alone holds well over 13 million shares.. Most here do not fully understand what going to hapen once those who are short are forced to cover there open short positions..The shorts will have to cover by choice or by Fed Margin Calls.

People are talking about .50 cents a week or so after the AF are out. In my opinion if the Public float is only 138 million shares and Wessal takes 125 million shares..

The Demand for those 13 million shares could take the PPS to the Required Nasdaq Listing requirements in under 30 days.

Now all of this is based on Currnet insiders holding there shares and Wessal holding there shares.. At one time I kinda remember reading.. That Current insiders would be selling shares back into the float at much higher prices.. I believe that was said by Dennis Ammerman in an earlier PR.

In any event. Petar has given fair warning to those who are short..

In my opinion after the AF are out. You will see some additional PR that will start to take the PPS to it's correct value.

My head spins when I think of a Company current valued at .13 cents a share. That could be doing well over a 1 Billion dollars in annual revenues just with another 1 or 2 decent size contracts.

I dure hope some realize what those kinda revenue numbers are going to do to the PPS with just a modest PE of say 20.

The we have a whole new group of potential investors sitting on the sidelines that are waiting for AF. What will that demand doto the PPS??

Once listed on the OTCBB Market. You then will have some Institutional and Mutuial funds Investors that will take postions.. What will that demand to to the PPS.

If the stock does indeed get listed on the Dubi Exchange. What will that demand do for the PPS.

Once the PPS get to the Nasdaq Listed requirements and a Nasdaq listing happens.. Then you have some really serious money via the way of large Institutional & Mutual funds that will be buying and taking shares off the market.. What will that demand do to the PPS.

If a Cash Dividend gets thrown into the picture. All Bets are off.. In my opinion the Cash Dividend will be the one thing to get the PPS out from under the influence of the Hdge Funds that target Pink Sheet and Weak OTCBB stock. Remember thats what the Hedge Funds thought they had shorted when the IPO came out as LFWK. A new stock with little potential..

The demand for the stock will be Huge.. In my opinion a forward split at some point in time is almost a given..

For now nothing else matters. The market needs to see the Audited Financials. If the numbers are as they have previously stated. The Market will digest those numbers and take the PPS to it's correct value..

In all honesty I am somewhat frustrated. Like many all I can do for now it sit back and wait. MOO Hope all have a great day and cooler heads can prevail. FFB-Fish


09/29/06 10:07 AM

#102616 RE: jdouble #102484

L(.)(.)K Post Of The Day.
Thx J-D


Posted by: jdouble
In reply to: None Date:9/29/2006 8:39:53 AM
Post #of 102610

OK just some observations by me, I have been in this stock since we were LFWK's and I am holding long and strong. Here it goes.

According to the past P.R. there is a 138 million float, that is not held by insiders or restricted. Out of this 138 million when Wessal purchases 25% of the 500 million outstanding shares or 125 million shares they are buying it out of the public float and not from insiders.
This is where we get the 13 million shares left for the general public to trade. (138-125=13)

Now if we take into account the speculative short position of this stock (which I believe is substantial) most agree that the naked shorts are anywhere from 50-200 million.

There has also been the possibility put out about a .01 yearly dividend, this is going to put the hurt on the shorts.

Now 13 million shares is not a large float to be dealing with and once we get to NASDAQ I believe that we will have a forward split of some kind, for the purpose of the following I am just going to say that we will have a 1 to 2 foreward split.

If this was to occur Wessal and the insiders would not be able to sell their shares unless they wanted to lose their insider status as they would still need to keep a percentage of the shares to keep this status.

This would only turn the public float to 26 million shares but it would also double the amount of short shares out there from 50-200 million to 100-400 million, take this and the possible dividend into account and the screws just keep turning tighter on the shorts. As if they decide not to buy back the short shares they will be paying $500,000 to $2,000,000 pre split to $1,000,000 to 4,000,000 post split, and this is yearly.

I for one do not think that a company would want to stick around and pay this dividend, have the possibliity of paying twice the amount of the dividend, and having to pay twice the amount for the initial shares they shorted. I believe they will just start buying back the shares they initially shorted, and they will do this as cheaply as possible which would be the smart move. This will run our PPS up even higher. Just beware of the shakes as they will play your fears against you. They will also start cluttering this board up with trash and other material not even relevant to try and distract you from the true prize at hand. Just keep your eye on the ball everyone.

This is all IMO, GLTY Longs