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12/04/17 1:19 PM

#76219 RE: Jimzin #76216

To me it sounds like they are getting paid off in another means.
This is problem with CTs and us the holders, they don’t want to make little guy rich. They can pay off Investment Banks,Hedge Funds, Mutual Funds, major individual players in 10s, 100s, 1000s of ways over time going forward. Think about a big Manila envelope hitting someone’s front porch stuffed with $100 million, billions stuffed in it. These people don’t care how they get paid, just that they get paid.

We only have these securities as a means to justice/payment.

Get my drift here?
Law related governing folk, could have been compensated in some other way as well,,,, Country Club membership, hookers, cigarettes, vacations, gold bullion, billable hour gift cards,,, endless ways.

We have nearly zero options in a “fixed rigged society.”

Texas style vigilante options appear only way. But those are illegal in the other 49 states. Lol
