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12/04/17 1:38 AM

#114498 RE: CHILLWILL1704 #114494


And the sdmintration has much more important things to worry about than something that the states have already legalized by voter approval! It’s a non event and just talks and opinions by politicians! It will take much more than that to change the laws so I’m really not worried about sessions at all, if they wanted to block it they would have already done that by now, this administration does not sit around on policy change as I’m sure you all have seen. If there was something major planned by the president it would have come out by now.

As far as the previous share structure and debt holders, It’s not the same company as before and there is no comparison! The amount of cash they can generate now and the future value of the company is very different than what it was last year or even six months ago. I? bought in based on the chart setup and what the chart tells me is that, even with all the share dumping the stock has held up for months at these levels, we just recently had failed selloff and that means the bulls are getting ready for a big push!

This kind of chart setup takes about 4-6 months to unfold and is very powerful because of how long it has had a chance to consolidate!

Risk/reward is very clear here

There is always a chance to the down side but all the signs are pointing up right now IMHO!