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12/05/17 1:15 PM

#28365 RE: Briboy #28356

hey Briboy its been awhile buddy. yea I have actually got way way too much money tied up in this one. used to trade this one in and out along time ago. then they got a new product and supposedly got some guy named Timberland as a part owner. I did not have any idea who he was till I looked him up. I thought he was maybe some guy that owned a sawmill. well as time went on and it drifted down I would buy another 500,000 or 1,000,000 shares. write it down on my little notebook and not add up the totals. well I did the math one day and was almost in shock. went and put my gear on and fired up the dirt bike for a ride to ease my mind. if this thing farts I will be rich. not saying how many shares I have now because I will look like a total dumb A. they have a good product and if half the things the CEO was saying would happen it will work out fine. I actually think legally I should be in on the meetings because I have so many shares