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09/28/06 8:58 PM

#5453 RE: erthang #5452

You keep making statements that you have no idea of whether they or true or not- You do nothing but take what BOCX states and put your personal twist to it. You don't know anything about the contract or the underlying circumstances surrounding the contract other than what BOCX made public.
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Gold Seeker

09/28/06 9:05 PM

#5455 RE: erthang #5452

Erthang, I don't quite understand your thought process.

"I beg to differ on your assessment of the Abbott licensing deal. Dr. Moro agreed to the small upfront in order to receive a much higher percentage of the revenue once the recaf based test begins to sell!"

I can agree that what you say is possible but it would not be a good decision on Moro's part. Give me the up front money and stop the dilution. The additional money from extra royalties attained would be negated by the unnecessary additional stock dilution. We are diluting here at pennies when 5 to 10 million up front would have skyrocketed the stock and shown the faith ABT had with their due diligence. What you are saying is that Moro is not just a bad business man but a total bozo.

"The upfront money had nothing to do with Abbott not getting exclusive rights."

If your above scenario is true, it would mean that Moro thought he could get a better deal from others with possibly more up front money. Look at it from the other Pharma's point of view. Why pay more and go to the expense of developing the test also when Abbott will likely sublicense it to them with no up front or development expense.

"Abbott agreed to the much higher percentage because of Biocurex's show of faith in their technology, accepting only 200K, upfront"

Abbotts royalty level has effectively stopped others from doing licensing deals. Lower offered royalties is the ONLY thing that would detract from future revenues which was the reason Moro gave for not signing additional deals. With only 200k up front, ABT has effectively gotten a default exclusive.

"Also, Abbott was amazed at the potential this technology demonstrated during it's due diligence phase."

If ABT was truly amazed at the potential, they would have demanded an exclusive.

"If and when the details of the agreement become public, or deciphered through the eventual quarterly reports, you'll see what I mean!"

I surely hope so.

"Now, one of Biocurex's intentions for granting non-exclusive rights, as opposed to exclusive rights to Abbott, is to set a fire, ensuring that Abbott will not become complacent with this technology,"

This statement borders on ludicrous. If this technology is what ABT supposedly thought it to be, why in heavens name would they ever sit on a blockbuster.

"creating a competitive atmosphere in getting this thing to market! It will work out to be advantageous for all of those that are long on this stock! Biocurex understands that in the long run, due to demand and sales, this arrangement will be substantially more profitable"

In contrast, I see no competition.

Now, please tell me where I have gone wrong in my conclusions.