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12/01/17 10:46 AM

#25216 RE: SkeBallLarry #25215

Nice sunny day but chilly


12/01/17 4:06 PM

#25217 RE: SkeBallLarry #25215

hi all! its ihub happy hour so I can write here up til 5pm e/t.

yes, the news was better than it could have been. NO cancer in the nodes but sadly, they remove some perfectly good nodes between the arm pit and boob, but its the only way to make sure no cancer got that far.

now, its just healing from the removal of the cancer and the area of the nodes but so far so good.

my dr called, I was napping (I never nap but this has wiped me out) but she said she had all good news, I assume, about if she got enough of what they call the "margin" around the cancer. she said she will call back. she was not in the office when I called but maybe she will call once more. I hope so.

I did a lot of research on the radiation. its so so bad for your boob and body and studies showed it didn't do any more good than the tomoxifin that they are going to put me on, since its an "estrogen" fed type of cancer. the tomoxifin cuts that "food" out and tumors never recur. so I may opt out of radiation after talking to her next wed when I go for follow up. studies said that once you nuke your boob for 6 weeks, you can never do it again, so if you DONT nuke it, and it comes back, no biggy, you just nuke it the next time vs this time when it may not even benefit me.

sorry to blab on and on but its been killing me not to post to you and some of my long time ihub friends. yes, I have some of you all's emails but posting here can help my other friends find me and catch up easier this way.

have you all been trading? hows it going? I hated giving up but I left on a good note vs losing, since all the ceo's are liars.

talk to you soon.
