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contrarian bull

11/30/17 10:12 AM

#438918 RE: Donotunderstand #438907

is it good that "housing reform" will be on the table?
do you see a friendly congress?
do you see a friendly administration?

My personal opinion is that any housing reform that ends up getting passed will be a disaster for f&f.

Right now there are several camps regarding f&f. One group wants to wind them down, another wants to give all of their business to the big banks, another wants to make them a non-profit utility, another wants them to become a charitable organization (thus non-profit)

I have not heard of any proposed "reform" that would keep f&f intact and profitable. If anyone else has heard of such a thing - I would love to see a link to it. There has been good reform proposed by some in the business community, but I have not seen anything good for f&f being discussed by anyone in gov't.

THANK GOODNESS that the Trump administration is totally incompetent or they would have gotten to housing reform by now. After Jan 1 when the $hit hits the fan and the restrictions on liquidating senior preferred go away, I'm hoping that FHFA will take matters into their own hands and do something good for f&f.

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