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11/29/17 9:55 AM

#4274 RE: Jdun #4272

You're welcome..Homie don't play..

I'll be bringing it up all day enjoy..

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Imperial Whazoo

11/29/17 10:49 AM

#4343 RE: Jdun #4272

Yeah, the 1.315 mill available on the ask was out there yesterday with that exact size available. No takers.

Somebody commented on it & I weighed in that I thought it was evidence that some people were trying to spook weak hands out AND that one of the devices used was to put so many shares out there in a single lot that it acts as a visual fear monger, as it were, to frighten people into worrying and to thus shake shares free.

My basic idea is based on years of stinky pinky watching and trading, but I've never seen anything like this crypto craziness. I mean.... WOW. Bitcoin sky-ed over $1000.00 from close yesterday @ 3 PM to open to at at 8:30 AM. Given that disruptive power in this technology, I firmly believe that yahoos like Jamie Diamon, who originally said he'd fire any of his traders who dared to dabble in cryptos....

...big-name, fashion perfect (every hair in place) talking head internationalist types like him who originally dissed this stuff are now gasping and grasping and scared to death that they are going to get left in the dust.

So their typical behavior comes to the top... they cheat the system and try to spook everyone while ACTUALLY acting in a very desparate fashion to try to catch up.

So, I see the CE as a blatant piece of outright dishonesty that is a thinly veiled attempt to get a major toehold in one of only 5 companies that trade in Canada or the US who are directly involved in mining. BTW.... yeterday I said there were 4 companies, but right after I said that in that post, I thought I recalled another company that had announced the aquisition of mining machines that they intend to have in place by 2018, and I did some research & found that there are, in fact, 5 companies one can currently buy into as a way of profiting from this disruptive technology without having to take on the personal downsides of becoming a miner.

Now a thought on removing the CE:
A lawsuit to kick OTC's ass would not generate results before 30 days, so the smart manager is going to suffer this indignity, PR plainly to make it clear to his shareholders that he is 100% honest and NOT engaging in a pump-n-dump, and wait out the 30 days in a seething fury. The only fly in this ointment is the insider with $580K at risk who may act on his own to smack OTC in the nadds via lawsuits or the threat of lawsuits.

My guess as regards corporate actions is that, when the 30 days are up, if this stock proves it is above board & honest....And if they publicly PR things about there being ACTUAL progress establishing themselves as crypto miners, this little stinky pinky will explode to the upside.

I am not recommending buying, selling or holding. I'm only expressing an opinion. Make up your own minds.

Peace & good day everybody.

Imperial Whazoo