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11/29/17 7:09 AM

#373403 RE: Mariner* #373400

“Today” show co-host Matt Lauer has been fired due to inappropriate sexual behavior in the workplace, NBC announced on Wednesday.

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11/29/17 2:51 PM

#373462 RE: Mariner* #373400

Do Senate Republicans have the votes to pass their tax bill?

Senate Republicans are racing to pass a tax bill by the first weekend of December, with the goal of sending President Trump Congress’s first major legislative accomplishment by the end of this year. But it’s not clear they'll have the votes do it.

Some tax breaks are for the rich. Others for the poor. Which are for you?
Just like with health care, Republicans are trying to pass a tax code rewrite over Democratic objections. (It's likely all 48 Senate Democrats will vote against the tax bill.) That means Senate Republicans can only afford two defections. There are nearly a dozen senators with competing concerns -- some think the bill is too expensive for taxpayers, others are concerned it doesn't cut taxes enough. The bill passed out of a committee on Tuesday and is expected to get a vote in the next few days.