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Simple Steve

11/27/17 12:51 PM

#44173 RE: mm2k #44166

No one seems to know how much ADXS will charge per treatment (I'm talking about the drug specifically). $10K? $20K? $50K? I'm not talking TOTAL medical cost (which includes hospitals, doctors, assistants, care takers, etc), I' talking for the drug alone. The article that Trading Cyclist linked to was interesting. It was talking about Canada but I think it can be applied here in the USA too. Most of the expenses are from hospitals and care-takers. Hospitals are outragius. I had rotator cuff surgery a few months ago and the doctor alone charged $25K!! Just the doctor. Of course insurance only paid a few thousand, but the point is, these people and facilities charge up the keister. So most of this supposed $100K price for treatment per patient won't be for the drug alone. I suspect ADXS would receive WELL less than half of this treatment cost. But here's what I find funny. These hospitals and doctors will be making so much money while it's actually the drug that's saving their lives, not the doctors. And another funny thing, there was that recent push (mostly from Hillary and the Dems) about drug costs being too high and how there should be regulations of companies for charging too much. But as I explained, the drug companies, like ADXS, are REALLY the ones saving people with their drugs. The real peoblem is the hospitals which are way over-priced.