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11/25/17 1:58 AM

#159061 RE: SniperStocks #159060

Wow nice! BitcoinOTC you are like the best DD I've ever seen on iHub just incredible you are able to find so much info. Academy Awards is huge because Celebrities feel inclined to show off their gifts in photos in magazines and major media. Academy Awards 2018 is March 4 which to further confirms news Q3, PR before Christmas because they want their brand and logo and products to be known BEFORE they put cellphones in Giftbags at Academy Awards and magazines, blogs, major media will most likely report this well before, during and after the Academy Awards so again they must release Q3 and PR much sooner rather than later in order to take advantage of this huge global event.

For example let's say nothing comes out by March 4 and people get the cellphones sure it will say SHARP on the back but no one will know anything else about it so that makes no sense obviously they need to release as much info as soon as possible is my point.

JINBO is doing everything big and major on point like no one else. When you see the round Jinbo Logo turning around in front of the Earth in the videos until it covers entire planet is not only symbolic but literally they will be the NEXT "Apple, Google, Tesla, Amazon, PayPal, WholeFoods, Evian, iPhone, and so much more I can't type it all out ALL ROLLED into JBZY for only $.05? OMG this will make OTC History change lives make dreams come true people from rags to riches and early retirement for many LONGS very exciting Thankful times here in such a fragmented and "photoshopped world" (sorry couldn't help it ha ha) Jinbo JBZY is such a Blessing I want to cry am crying tears of joy right now seriously overwhelmed with extreme Gratitude right now and want thank all the LONGS for incredible: DD, Humor, Encouragement what a journey!


11/25/17 2:10 AM

#159064 RE: SniperStocks #159060

Your killing it with the amazing DD Bitcoin ;). I can not say thank you enough! So glad your apart of JBZY. Thank you and keep up the great job :). Time for bed so talk to all later


11/25/17 2:17 AM

#159065 RE: SniperStocks #159060

That's phenomenal! Dollars coming sooner than later...



11/25/17 2:36 AM

#159066 RE: SniperStocks #159060

To explain why I think Q3 & PR before Christmas: Academy Awards is March 4 2018 but February is Chinese Lunar New Year literally the Biggest Holiday of the entire year for China people start to shut down and leave on vacation starting at the end of January 2018 then they literally shut down all stop working for entire month of February where they will celebrate during their vacation by visiting friends and family and exchanging gifts, food and going to restaurants together for the entire month of February. I used to do business with China many years ago and they didn't respond to my emails or orders that I paid for until late MARCH!

Which means going backwards in reverse they just completed major expo conference so they literally ONLY have between NOW ~ Early January to release Q3, News, Fins, PR but now also Major Marketing and Media Blitz about all their products and Gold Cellphone. But releasing info after Christmas is bad idea because they do know about Western Holidays so between Christmas-New Years we in USA are on vacation and markets are closed so makes zero sense to release any info December 20-January 1st.

So the ONLY Window is between Now and December 20 to release everything all the info they can. Especially right after huge expo event with sales from that and gold cellphone into gift bags at Academy Awards. In order to get any media coverage about that in magazines and blogs and social media also means they MUST begins sending out Press Kits and Media Samples NOW ASAP.

I used to work in marketing and I also had a publicist too and all major media and magazines require that if you want any free press and product reviews you MUST submit a press kit and samples at least 2 to 3 months BEFORE the issue you want published comes out. It takes that much "ahead time" to sufficiently review the product test it write about it then take photos and then write article then use graphic programs to edit and format the magazine or news paper, blog, website, etc.

We are just as GOLDEN as the Jinbo Cellphone LONGS we have much to be thankful for that's for sure! $$$$


11/25/17 9:12 AM

#159080 RE: SniperStocks #159060

HOLY S**T!!! You are the DD master! If this holds true, we are GOLDen!



11/26/17 8:13 AM

#159263 RE: SniperStocks #159060

Holy Moly! I just saw this post brother and I am beyond ecstatic about this revelation...

This company never ceases to amaze me and continues to blow my mind.

I've never seen anything remotely close to the size of Jinbo or it's potential in the OTC. My Gawd...


11/26/17 8:31 AM

#159266 RE: SniperStocks #159060

Source link?

sta loose

11/26/17 8:35 AM

#159267 RE: SniperStocks #159060

BitcoinOTC awesome post.. stickied!!
Thank You!!


11/26/17 9:13 AM

#159270 RE: SniperStocks #159060

Bitcoin, absolutely out of this world. Titanic DD, congrats bro.

More and more facts are convincing me we are witnessing a fantastic creation, one of the great conglomerates in the world, and we are lucky to be part of it.


Snug Harbour

11/26/17 9:37 AM

#159274 RE: SniperStocks #159060

Got a link to back that one... lol

Ya... didn't think so


11/26/17 9:56 AM

#159279 RE: SniperStocks #159060

The phones will bring great advertising for the EV company


11/26/17 11:14 AM

#159294 RE: SniperStocks #159060

What does this have to do with JBZY?


11/26/17 7:33 PM

#159381 RE: SniperStocks #159060

This can go Viral and is proof that NEWS and OR behind ASAP ask any marketing or media person they must begin product news and marketing now months before Academy Awards. Real Life Example: Every Year Apple months before new iPhone Launch has a Huge Expo and Media Conference in San Francisco where all major media and reporters are invited from around the world and given free samples to review, test, blog, tweet about. Samething will happen here JBZY to the $ky $$$$


11/26/17 9:26 PM

#159407 RE: SniperStocks #159060

Jinbo & Sharp Gold Cellphone DD is Massive will bring JBZY to Dollars because if new bezeless design and is huge:

"Chinese tech conglomerate Foxconn Group is seeking to transform Sharp into one of the largest smartphone makers on the planet, local media outlet Economic Daily News reported on Monday. The two have supposedly reached a preliminary agreement that would see them create a venture with more than 4,000 employees tasked with creating, testing, manufacturing, distributing, and promoting contemporary smartphones, in addition to handling their after-sales support."