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Dragon Lady

11/24/17 3:57 PM

#84320 RE: Archery Class #84317

Quote NO, "That’s not a factual statement, particularly with the amount of states which have legalized medical and recreational MJ. Cannabis use and arrests are down across the nation in a major way.

Stem cell treatment will rise similarly. "


I'm NOT factually "incorrect" about anything- as I know what I'm talking about.

Marijuana arrests and incarcerations (that means, not only were groups or individuals arrested, but their cases were successfully prosecuted in a state, or often a FEDERAL COURT, serious enough to get them jail and/or prison time, aka "incarcerated" by a court of law) arrests were UP in the prior 12 month period, from end of this year 2017.

Also, the DEA has already announced that Marijuana will, "REMAIN ILLEGAL" and that the DEA fully intends to continue to enforce ALL "marijuana laws", already still on the FEDERAL books....and that's a lot of laws to enforce.

Comes down pretty much to the SUPREMACY CLAUSE, Article VI, Clause 2, United States Constitution....

SEE THAT ARTICLE- it's the "crux" of the problem. SEE, ON THE "FEDERAL BOOKS", aka law, Marijuana is still classified as a "controlled substance", no different than any prescription drug, and on par with say heroin or whatever, ACCORDING TO FEDERAL LAW. Under FEDERAL LAW there's NO "legal form of marijuana", PERIOD.

Same for "SVF PROCESSED STEM CELLS" according to the just issued GUIDANCE DOCUMENTS, which clearly state that ANY FORM OF "SVF" no matter how it was created or processed (chemical enzyme digestion or centrifuge or space aliens) it's a "NEW DRUG" according to thee FDA, and thus w/o a IND among other FDA "approvals" in place, it's illegal to peddle it, sell it, use it on human patients outside of approved FDA "clinical trials" etc. USRM/Comella/USCC is violating ALL OF THAT, and that's what the "WARNING LETTER" says- it doesn't give a crap about some "state law" or whatever, it's ILLEGAL PER THE FDA, anywhere in these United States....

NEXT UP FOR SUPPOSED "LEGAL MARIJUANA", of course will be DUI's - it's gonna explode bigger than a nuke, will be an entire "industry" on to itself.

Driving "while intoxicated" via substances "other than alcohol" is already hitting in a bigly way- and new devices to allow police to test for cannabis use, same as alcohol, are already being field tested as we speak- it's gonna get more people put behind bars than freaking beer and booze, aka "alcohol", the "other" supposedly "LEGAL DRUG", the biggest killer in this nation's history, killing more people than all soldiers lost in all wars combined since WWI, WWII, Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, the "war on terror", etc when combined with the "deadly weapon" of a multi-ton automobile killing machine, or use of firearms or "other" weapons while "under the influence", and more assaults committed while "intoxicated" than via any other means too.