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11/23/17 10:38 PM

#7427 RE: fireopal #7426

If he believed in the company, he'd take most of his huge cash salary in restricted stock and options and then have some real skin in the game.

The fact that he won't speaks volumes that he prefers to take cash now, and to keep taking cash as long as he can keep the charade no-product pennyscam game going.

So far he's been an abject failure picking a project that was bound to be beaten by others to the prize.

Butt of course he got PAID CASH in the meantime, so still a win for him even though a huge loss for common shareholders.


11/23/17 10:43 PM

#7428 RE: fireopal #7426

BTW, Durrant was a family practitioner in the UK. Family practice docs don't make squat - even in the USA. So he makes a ton more as a pennyscam frontman than he would doing family practice.