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11/23/17 9:47 PM

#438097 RE: MannSinger #438076

That's exactly what I've been predicting. It'll be a full-on fiction show, as we see from MSM week after week.


11/24/17 9:59 AM

#438117 RE: MannSinger #438076


Trump does not act

There is a public draw or what looks like a taxpayer bailout

Demand grows for F and F to be nuked

How does DJT win on this ?

Versus - - - acting now by declaring victory and allowing capital build up now?

I keep wondering why DJT does not 1)BLAME BO and 2) CLAIM VICTORY 3)SELL SOME SHARES (not 80%) for profit and contribution to treasury

It baffles me that this did not happen in Feb March April ....

(Yes I know the transaction needs to wait for January 2018 --- but not an announcement)

And Cherry on top - this action screws CORKER

How much must Trump or Mnuchin hate F and F or be in the pocket of TBTF banks to not take this huge visible understandable victory lap