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11/22/17 7:40 PM

#58989 RE: just Scottie #58988

That is a good question ...

My logic is, it is a Corporate share dance. With ABVG portion being about 1 million shares of 99.9 million or should I say Vintage Tea division. After adding 2 and 2 together.

Giving you 1.5 - 2.0 Billion common...I'd have to assume someone will be coming for my 275,000 shares and 7000 MIA once filled...

Fundamental's suggest $106.00 per on a 10.6 Billion cap.

So common shares would be likely as those 99.9 million ain't going nowhere...Giving you the 1.5 Billion Encounter exit divvy slap...

Makes Costley worth about $50,000,000.00 on 51% or 500,000 shares...

I would also have to assume 99.9 take PTEL place and PTEL heads to Nasdaq ready for Vizads.

You could also...make a case for a IPO if corporate facilitates those 1.5 Billion shares...

Trick is, causing those Ally shares to have to clear though each step of the process driving price and connecting companies in the Audit trail...So that tells me PTEL and 102,000 Ally shares go to the Nasdaq ready...well, in theory anyway...