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Archery Class

11/22/17 10:52 AM

#84161 RE: Stylus #84154

Profitable stem cell company for .03 cents a share is chump change.

Work smarter, live longer - USRM.

Dragon Lady

11/22/17 10:53 AM

#84162 RE: Stylus #84154

Quote LOL, "I believe USRM is also the most profitable stem cell companies. Stock is going to rise. "


This company has NEVER, EVER, EVER, EVER made a "PROFIT", not since 1999, not since trading public, NEVER. They have ENORMOUS SUNK LOSSES, negative shareholder equity and NO ROI, NO PROFIT(s) EVER in their history...not by a million miles...AND, that's despite cutting R&D to essentially NOTHING for a self proclaimed supposed, "WORLD LEADER IN STEM CELL MEDICAL RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT", spending a lousy $1K a month, not even a few HEPA filters and some rubber gloves and disposables at a decent, real "medical R&D company", LOL !

They're good for a MASSIVE TAX LOSS write down ...but "PROFIT"...uh...NO !



Total stockholders’ deficit: (7,535,463)
Parenthesis on accounting entries means NEGATIVE

PAGE 5: (LOSS for the 9 months of 2017 so far)

NET LOSS: (3,828,368)

That's almost equal to their damn top-line "revenues", LOL ! AND, despite having growing "accounts payable" of $1.4 MILLION sitting on that same balance sheet, w/ a lousy $900K or so cash left- there's a real, real good reason they're a "GOING CONCERN WARNING", they're essentially close to CASH BROKE at any given time. Wonder now why they spend almost $ZERO dollars on R&D, but pay large CASH BONUSES to "THE TWO", Tomas and Comella...?????

PAGE 6: (a history of burnt money)

Accumulated DEFICIT: (127,975,128)

And that accumulated deficit (LOSSES) has GROWN EVERY QTR and EVERY YEAR since Tomas/Comella took over full control of running this train wreck. $128 MILLION smoked bucks...and not ONE FDA or similar "approved" product, and losses and debts and "notes owed" for as far as one can see.....

NO "PROFIT" nonsense and not a SHRED of their own DULY FILED SEC documents to back up that 100% false claim...none...LOSSES....they produce LOSSES and always have....big ones at that.....