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11/22/17 1:06 AM

#20409 RE: Jason_Bourne #20407

Nobody is asking the SEC to "sign off" on reports about "sample digging". The company should simply respect the rules that all SEC-reporting companies have to play by. And the rules are pretty clear about companies issuing estimates of tonnage, grade, and cost-per-ounce. It really isn't that difficult.

Saying that 40,000 tons of material on a leach pad is a certain grade, and then showing a picture of a gold bead as proof? Surely I am not the only person that thinks that is ludicrous.


11/22/17 1:24 AM

#20410 RE: Jason_Bourne #20407

Too on-topic. I just look at how much MEXUS owes financial lenders ??? Then, I get over it. I’m a pay as you grow kinda guy. No sense in burdensome debt when you can piece meal without it. Diluted some shares to get here but most went to a tight nit group. Still gonna generate a lot of wealth on no debt. Wxdog