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11/21/17 1:42 PM

#328 RE: shadolane #327

Indeed it is. Wish me luck I intend to make that pig squeal, LOL.

I lost 80 lbs dying in bed in 2014, got hit with 4 illnesses all at once, had no insurance and no money, looked like I was from a Nazi POW camp, and nearly died. What does not kill you makes you stronger :-)

One problem fix (Rx) led to another problem, was blind from Rx side effects in late 2015, then the Rx forked up my Gall bladder in 2016 had to have it removed,,,, and so on. Anyway, I have held and added shares when I could during all this time. I still take Intact Digest, and had it not lowered my blood pressure in 2014, I'd be dead already...from the illness...Long story...

I plan to hold one more year, and then see where we are at. It has survived this long, and while being under siege from every direction in courts, survived and built a massive, high value bagging line. If it ever gets a real break, this will make for early retirement for us.


04/02/18 11:27 AM

#330 RE: shadolane #327

Get your hard hats and helmets on and diving gear as today will confirm a new bear market IMHO. The China Trade war news this weak end is what will / is going to break the 9 year bull market. It nearly ended last week, except for a closing safe mid week on the Dow transports index. Today's close should break it and confirm a Dow theory bear market has indeed started in feb this year.

One of the safer penny stock bets right now is $SGSI, it will not be affected by the tradewar. It is all about massive growth starting now of 5G telecom wireless upgrades in the 100's of billions of dollars and $SGSI is fine tuned with existing long term contracts and already blew up the revenue from zero to 30 million in 11 months.

I am on the bid on IFUS FYI. GLTY


09/01/21 1:37 AM

#332 RE: shadolane #327

So did you hold onto IFUS?

I hope you were able to and did?