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11/21/17 12:59 PM

#124547 RE: RealDutch #124543

The 14.4MUSD is also due from TRW? (page F-36) I.e it might be some accounting-issue (i.e the same reason to why they have 23.89% and not 36.6% in the balance sheet yet)

The 7.7MUSD is the collateral shares for TFA&B? (page F-39). I.e not a liability that SIAF has, but TFA&B (although it would be better to both book it as a liability and an asset)

However, if you want your NET debt, then you would have to withdraw the money SIAF has lended out as well (well, collateral shares in this case).

Is this the explanation or did I miss the target? If it is the explanation, then it would be better to show it on page 22 even though the net effect would be zero.

The Swede

11/21/17 1:01 PM

#124548 RE: RealDutch #124543

Does not make sense to me. They put the Negotiable promissory note there as well, that one belongs to TRW imo.


11/21/17 1:15 PM

#124549 RE: RealDutch #124543

Check note 16B, analysis of other payables:
"During Q3 2017 we redeemed $0 of Promissory Notes for advances granted by third parties in fiscal year 2017 by the issuance of shares leaving a balance of $14,492,221 of Promissory Notes still due and outstanding as of September 30, 2017."

14,5M notes seems to be classified as an advance, not a debt. Couldn't find information for what is this advance for.