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11/21/17 12:16 PM

#25290 RE: $UPERMAN #25289

That is a big problem. I heard Jeff Sessions address the problem of judges defying the intent of the law by such blocking tactics, refusing to admit and other means of limitations. Trump has replaced a lot of them. I think we are going to see the cracking of the whip that will put the fear of God in a lot of these judges and other misfits we elected as our representatives. Makes me want to be a Christian and join in the good fight. Wait, I am one already! Christian or not, common sense and decency needs to return.

I am really amazed with this Alabama senate race thing. What ever happened to presumed innocence? CNN never mentions that, never.
The difference between Rory/Trump and Al Franken/Weinstein/Weiner is accusation vs. actual wrong doing... oh, I forgot to throw Clinton in the crapper with Franken et al.

If Rory is innocent, he should sue the shit out of all of them and the news media too.


11/22/17 8:34 PM

#25295 RE: $UPERMAN #25289

$uperman... classify them right up there with the Fake news media as interior terrorist.. lol... Don't tell me your still up north with that cold northern winds coming down... I know where you should be LOL...