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11/19/17 1:37 PM

#129213 RE: es1 #129209

I’ll take mass production of DragonSilk over info any day. My guess is Kim has a relative in Texas. Otherwise, why not buy a piece of land in Oklahoma or Indiana or Kentucky or somewhere closer to the lab instead of the southern most state in the U.S.? If I started a cattle farm in Michigan, would I buy land in Texas to grow the hay there? There has to be either a business or personal connection to Texas otherwise it doesn’t make sense. Making silk in Vietnam makes sense because it is cheap. Mulberry trees can grow just about anywhere. Who knows. I just want Vietnam approval DONE and silk getting MADE and SOLD. The purpose of business is to make money and right now we’re not making very much of it.


11/19/17 4:34 PM

#129225 RE: es1 #129209

"Doubt is a good thing. It keeps us safe. But creating it simply because I lack confidence in what I own is just foolish. "

You know this could all go away with real commercial production, approval by Vietnam, or a really big contract with the Army. Then no one would give a damn about the house or 960. A month.