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11/18/17 11:44 AM

#275105 RE: conix #275100

conix -- so where in either the House or Senate version of the GOP's ridiculous proposed tax cut for the really rich -- not the upper middle class, but those whose ability to deduct mortgage interest on their own homes could hardly matter less to their overall economic/tax situations -- is there or has there ever been even the slightest hint of any notion of such a tax credit?

nowhere -- of course

Dale C

11/18/17 10:19 PM

#275110 RE: conix #275100

If their ability to buy a house depends on that interest deduction then they seriously need to review their situation and prospects....and in the world I grew up in the loan application would have been rejected. Once upon a time you could only get a loan if you didn't need it....banks stayed solvent that way.