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11/18/17 5:48 AM

#275086 RE: fuagf #275085

Part 51(b), some of Russian meddling stuff from F6 big ones, these from ruffly 2nd half of the
post of Saturday, 11/18/17, headed, Donald Trump and Paul Manafort: It's All Coming Together

Please note all natural measurement mentions are measured from the top of F6's post. About two thirds down

Hillary Clinton - "What Happened" & What Comes Next for America: The Daily Show

Published on Nov 1, 2017 by The Daily Show with Trevor Noah
Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton talks about the Russian attack on the
2016 election, the sexism she's faced in the public eye and her book "What Happened." [with (over 5,000) comments]

LOL - Even non-Hillary fans, you gotta appreciate her words, emotions and energies in that one. She looks relaxed! Is good.

Just into the final quarter

How the GOP Is Reacting to the Papadopoulos Indictment: A Closer Look

Published on Nov 1, 2017 by Late Night with Seth Meyers
Seth takes a closer look at the fallout from special counsel
Robert Mueller's decision to indict three former Trump aides. [with comments]

From "stashed November 1, 2017:"

Trump didn't dismiss idea when foreign policy adviser suggested setting up Putin meeting
Washington (CNN) — Candidate Donald Trump did not dismiss the idea of arranging a meeting with Russia's president when it was suggested in a meeting with his campaign foreign policy advisers last year, according to a person in the room.
The idea was raised by George Papadopoulos as he introduced himself at a March 2016 meeting of the Republican candidate's foreign policy advisers, according to a court filing.
"He didn't say yes and he didn't say no," the official said, declining to be more specific about Trump's response to Papadopoulos.
But the chairman of Trump's national security team, then Alabama senator and now attorney general Jeff Sessions, shut down the idea of a Putin meeting at the March 31, 2016, gathering, according to the source. His reaction was confirmed with another source who had discussed Session's role.

The Papadopoulos plea has blindsided Republicans
By Jennifer Rubin

President Trump Minimizes George Papadopoulos’ Connection With His 2016 Campaign | NBC Nightly News

Donald Trump Jr.'s Hilariously Bad Tweet
So much revealed in one not-very-funny joke
.. more:

Twitter Ignored This Russia-Controlled Account During The Election. Team Trump Did Not.
“An absolute miss,” a top Twitter lawyer admitted Wednesday.

Mueller schedules interview with Hope Hicks
The White House communications director is due to speak with prosecutors in the Russia probe after Trump returns from his Asia trip.

Why Trump Has Little to Fear from Bob Mueller
It’s hard to imagine what would cause Republicans to break with the president. Just look at the polls.
.. more:

Here’s What America Makes Of Monday’s Indictments
And more of the latest polling news.

Here’s What America Makes Of Monday’s Indictments
And more of the latest polling news.