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01/14/18 8:23 PM

#276419 RE: fuagf #275056

Zimbabwe after Mugabe: What happens next?

"Zimbabwe’s Governing Party Moves to Expel Robert Mugabe, Effectively Endorsing Coup"

By Shingai Nyoka BBC Africa, Harare

Zimbabwe after Mugabe


"The president has arrived… the president has arrived."

As president-designate Emmerson Mnangagwa's motorcade whizzed past on the street below, the voice of an unidentified man blurted out in mobile phone footage posted on social media.

On Friday, Mr Mnangagwa will be sworn in as interim president following President Robert Mugabe's shock resignation.

Mr Mnangagwa was swarmed by party supporters after he emerged from hiding on Wednesday.

It was the running commentary from the crowds that caught my attention.

"Just look at the size of the motorcade," a woman marvelled as military police, regular police, luxury cars and SUVs streamed past. A military helicopter hovered above.

"Why is it so large?" another asked.

The size of his predecessor Mugabe's motorcade was also a talking point for locals - half a dozen motorbikes, an ambulance, two truckloads of soldiers and about a dozen other mainly luxury vehicles.

As Mr Mnangagwa sped through town, already the comparisons have started.

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Note: There are three other short videos inside the article link.

Best wishes to the Zimbabwean people.