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11/17/17 10:48 PM

#16133 RE: Jiminy Cricket #16130

So what is going on here?

ELED volume is N/A?

Uh oh, is it not even being traded?

What's going on here is basically ME trading with MYSELF and losing money everytime. It's similar to chat rooms where a single individual creates two or more accounts and talks to himself and the rest of the chat room believes there is something going on in it.

I cannot afford to do that anymore. Let's see what will happen if I STOP trading. Maybe we will get days where there is ZERO trades.

Also, the way the Level 2 is structured with very low bids but with asks lower than the current price.

People would love to say, buy 10,000 shares at 0.005 to move up the price but they can't because there are 400,000 shares with an ask of 0.0038 when the current share price is 0.004.

Therefore people don't want to sell so low but they don't want to buy a little bit just to bring the price down.

Only I was foolish enough to burn cash into ELED and brewing some artificial life support in it for a while. Like burning newspapers in a fireplace. But now, I've run out of newspapers and this place is going to get real cold from now on.

Earnings Reports better be good.