>going to zero The overall trend is still up, but your prediction is reasonable if you are only looking at the 0.0029 high to the 0.0002 low slope, and ignore the actual trend and all technical indicators
>5 billion more shares on the way
post #66296 In dilution, there can only be 2,349,960,399 more shares, not including the restricted shares. I'm assuming Frankies and Matts personal shares are not a part of the issued amount, and they would have to give them up to dilute them, and that's more paperwork than it's worth to them IMO. But your 5 billion is 212.77% over what's possible right now
>do not try to catch falling knives... Good advice >...in scams... Even better >...like this... Wait, no, you still are basing that judgement on a hunch you have and no facts >...with INFINITE dilution It's actually finite right now though, 2,349,960,399 as a max. Frankie has said he is AGAINST a reverse split, which is better than other cryptocurrency stocks if I remember correctly. There's no point to R/S right now, we're not close enough for it to save us, and there's nothing to save us from (like a NASDAQ delisting for example would be a good reason for a R/S).
(mods plz no delet this isn't an attack its an analysis of the post)