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11/17/17 10:59 AM

#5945 RE: fresh28 #5942

True that, Fresh. Also interesting that IDDR was the final alliance Tom added in recent months to the BVTK juggernaut, as if they had something small but significant he needed for his master plan

BVTK would not have partnered up with them unless they had a good product


11/17/17 5:58 PM

#5951 RE: fresh28 #5942

BVTK will get a % of any sales, but to reply to your earlier point doubt they'll spend money to buy them out, also the Dutch Trio would be too greedy and they're diluting to acquire IoSafe -- see my earlier posts on DD there incl. confirming LOI with IoSafe's CEO --
who's also long been on BOD of IDDR, an insider deal --

IDDR may well have products but are desperate for marketing ppl, they announced a hospital trial deal in R. I. state, but focus seems to be EU --
so a commission basis would be win-win, BVTK is over-extended with its previously announced merger for shares & deals, angry investors don't want them to increase O/S further to buy out anyone else --

BVTK's forthright about what it's doing even if some think it's over-promising and under-delivering, took down their share price, but Tom's nothing like what's going on here, and I have good info that Tom's taking a closer look @these guys and how they operate.
They've wiped out shareholders 98% in the last 2 mos. while increasing the A/S to 10B and gradually the O/S --
however as of NOW the O/S is still low enough for stock to move IF they don't make things worse, but they're mum --

Everyone should DEMAND transparency from these clowns, quite amazing the havoc they have wreaked -- question is, will they R/S or can PPS rebound from here in which case it's a buy at bottom for those willing to take the risk, but everyone should be making noise to the Dutch Trio!