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11/17/17 5:01 AM

#31318 RE: fabius #31317

Seroquel XR: monthly TRX Count
There is only ASTRA
10/31: 30.1K 09/30: 30.4K 08/31:34K 07/31: 35K 06/30:40.8k 05/31: 47.5K

Quitapine Fum ER: monthly TRX Count

PAR:30.7K Acc: 29K Tru: 13K Astra: 10.8K Mall 3.3K Lup 1.9K
PAR:30.7K Acc: 27.3K Tru: 11.7K Astra: 11K Mall 2.6K Lup 0.4K
PAR:34.4K Acc: 27.6K Tru: 11.3K Astra: 12.5K Mall 1.7K Lup --
PAR:35.9K Acc: 24.1K Tru: 9.8K Astra: 11.5K Mall 0.6K Lup --

Sure Trader - $4.95 P

Do you know how generic substitution affects this? Some years ago generic substitution was used in about 30 states in USA. Has the value increased? Is there somewhere any list of states, where this is used?


11/17/17 7:58 AM

#31322 RE: fabius #31317

Still unclear why astra is listed under quitiapine and seroquel. Is it selling generic and branded?


11/17/17 9:06 AM

#31324 RE: fabius #31317

Fabius, I think these are the numbers to keep track off and compare;

Quitapine Fum ER: monthly TRX Count

PAR:30.7K Acc: 29K Tru: 13K Astra: 10.8K Mall 3.3K Lup 1.9K
PAR:30.7K Acc: 27.3K Tru: 11.7K Astra: 11K Mall 2.6K Lup 0.4K
PAR:34.4K Acc: 27.6K Tru: 11.3K Astra: 12.5K Mall 1.7K Lup --
PAR:35.9K Acc: 24.1K Tru: 9.8K Astra: 11.5K Mall 0.6K Lup --

clearly we see the first ones who got approved locked n the largest contracts and market share. it also shows us the market ! 30k scripts for PAR 29k scripts for ACC and the lst goes on. compare those to MNK's 729 scripts. as we see the top dogs go down and ours go up we know and can gauge market penetration. again, based on the data we know our scripts are selling for around $677 per script. we can also calculate out what the others are selling theirs for. the only thing that will never be known is actual cost of a delivered product after adjustments which may even fluctuate. But we can gauge market penetration. which will at least tell us to expect better results moving forward, worse results or same as.

when just looking at total scripts from 2QE to 3QE we see seroquel ending with only 443 prescriptions. However, already as of last week we are now up to 726 prescriptions. NOT near Astra's 10k but its almost double. which tells me, expect about double the revenue we had the quarter before on Seroquel. so as long as Focalin stays consistent as it has been if we made 1.2 million in 3QE I expect us to make that to possibly 1.5 million for 4QE which is at least better than year over year last year.