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11/16/17 1:44 AM

#61578 RE: Solar_Express #61576

That would be a first going from the Pinks to the Nasdaq lol.

QD explosion

11/16/17 2:07 AM

#61579 RE: Solar_Express #61576

First Solar Tech says delisting is "NO BIG DEAL" then Art agrees with him, and now seems word has now spread to you that this is coming soon as you are also brushing this off as no big deal "hypothetically" speaking "if it does happen"

I call these the preparation posts. Art (ex marketing director for QMC) always seems to know a little more than average shareholders and always BEFORE everyone else. He prepares us for the missed milestones, etc by explaining why they are "NO BIG DEAL" prior to them happening.

Reference to June when he preps us for no QMA construction despite this milestone being promised by 3rd Quarter of this year. Prior to news of no construction Art says no big deal Star Park can handle it nevermind that it's a missed milestone/promise

Monday, 06/12/17 10:19:03 PM
Re: QD explosion post# 58536
Post # of 61578
I am also looking forward to pictures of whatever they are building over there. I picture something like 2 DOE National Labs.

But QMA does not have to wait for built production facilities (two are planned and funded) but can supply QD to Chinese companies and universities using their own well equipt laboratories. Wahoo!

Let's not forget the 2017 1st Quarter Q that was late and Art told those of us that were worrying about it on the deadline date that if it's late it's "NO BIG DEAL" and the next day after the deadline? Still no Q. Art really knows his stuff

Well well well and now the delisting that's apparently coming soon is "NO BIG DEAL"

Got slips to Nasdaq and $100/share the underdog story. Great approach