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11/15/17 3:05 PM

#155439 RE: montana5959 #155432

Okay - I can publicly apologize that I called it out as FAKE.

But, I will reiterate - they sure as hell can't spell and they SUCK
at website design. I remain flabergasted.
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11/15/17 3:11 PM

#155444 RE: montana5959 #155432

Thanks for sharing!!! The business cards misspelling of power(porwer) and the webaddress of the company prove that the new website is legit!!! Mods, please stickie this post, thanks!
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Navin R. Johnson

11/15/17 3:12 PM

#155447 RE: montana5959 #155432

Kaboom montana! Anyone not enjoying that sweet, gorgeous new ZJMY website can now at least see where it came from.
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11/15/17 3:15 PM

#155450 RE: montana5959 #155432

Well Well Well lol you never know geez the power of a message board.
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11/15/17 3:17 PM

#155457 RE: montana5959 #155432

A couple of points: Thank you very much. The biz cards seem to validate new website, GREAT. Now, would it be too much to ask your friend to place a call during BEIJING biz hours and ask a few basic shareholder questions on our behalf? I'm sure this board could come up with the top 10 questions.

Thank you

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11/15/17 3:24 PM

#155467 RE: montana5959 #155432

Thanks Montana for your contribution. Website is on the business cards, WOW!!


all imho, do your own DD.
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11/15/17 9:49 PM

#155701 RE: montana5959 #155432

Website/Business Card Question...both of these business cards were collected at the same dealership during the same visit. Both cards look identical, but one card has (listed on OTC Profile) and the other (not listed on OTC Profile)

Some folks here claim that this QC is some sort of ‘testing’ or ‘maintenance’ environment which IMO is BS. Why would the company print cards with 2 different websites being distributed at the same dealership?

QC Website has a ‘Contast’ us page with a phone number ending in xx3499

888 Website has a ‘our contact’ page with a phone number ending in xx1635

Again, same dealership, same region, possibly the same persons name (we will never know because they are blurred). Conflicting information on the websites so that rules out ‘testing’ or ‘maintenance’. The websites would be identical if they were simply loading or updating.

Does anyone have a factual statement to support these inconsistencies?

Thank you. $JBZY.