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11/14/17 11:58 PM

#436965 RE: Sogo #436961

I hate attorneys but it's the system that allows them to thrive and reach the highest political seat is what's pathetic.


11/15/17 12:15 AM

#436966 RE: Sogo #436961

I read something similar but I doubt its an explicit oath. Many things are hidden in plain sight, like that there have been multiple bankruptcies of the U.S. corporation. Why would anyone become a lawyer? Because they love reading or writing painfully tedious briefs? No its because they know they can make a lot of money as one. So with such motivation, they embark on the process controlled by the BAR accredited schools where they soak up all the indoctrination of what they're supposed to know to get their card at the end. They pass the bar exam and still don't know dick about law, they just got brainwashed and will now go do many years as some other lawyers bitch. After many years of doing someone else's legwork, maybe they make partner or go open their own practice but they never learned the law. They know the private guild law system that dominates the country because of the many usurpation of which the BAR has been instrumental in aiding and abetting.

Sources are scattered. Hook up with me on private message or email and I'll provide some links and ideas. Bill Thornton. Frank o'collins has a great talkshoe series. Rob Ryder has a YouTube channel. Facebook has some law.groups. happy to pick this up with anyone interested. Gmonkeylover at Comcast dot net.


11/15/17 12:39 AM

#436968 RE: Sogo #436961


Secret BAR oath? I know you must be joking :)