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09/27/06 6:49 PM

#5421 RE: mysscat #5406

Someone posted a very comprehensive article over at raging bull during the days of D.C. Steve about market makers and how they work to manupulate investors. I believe the article was posted by Bocxman.

Why would anyone post negative comments about a stock unless they are trying to scare investors off hoping to drive the price down. When I first starting following Bocx, some of their comments had me shaking in my pants.

I believe they get paid a few dollars every time someone responds to their post. The more post the more money they make. They use diiferent tactics when posting. Some times they start out supporting the stock then began posting very negagtive comments. I have too admit D.C. was very good at this.

To be quiet honest I'm usually happy when these guys show up. For some reason it's usually right before we get some good news. The attacks usually get more intense right before a good press release. Of course they always attack the folks trying to expose them.