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11/14/17 8:53 AM

#436831 RE: MannSinger #436825

"According to Wallison, MBS market should be completely free from government assistance. Everybody agree that will increase mortgage rate by 1%-2%. Therefore, to test that theory just increase G-fee by 1% points for 3 months and see what happens to Wallison theory.
Wallison will be trashed in 3 months. "

Peter clearly works for Wall Street loan sharks.

In recent hearing Peter's one of the talking points was, the Wall Street Loan sharks are so innocent that they were tempted to commit frauds in 100s of billions because of Gov affordable housing policies and FnF. (It is like saying that the rape victim needs to punished because rape victim tempted rapists).

Peter wants to eliminate Gov and FnF instead of loan sharks so that loan sharks can do whatever they want to do without the constraints of Gov.

Peter comes from 18th century wild west.