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11/13/17 9:25 PM

#26145 RE: Bowser619 #26144

Yes that was said, but it was just John Bourque's anger response to one that keeps on throwing turds towards Bourque Industries.

We all know that phrase "Don't put all your eggs in one basket."

Unfortunately for us Hurting in the Dark Shareholders, John Bourque was only able to collect eggs (sales) from one company, that being Mims Motors.

That basket of eggs (sales) was dropped by John Bourque.

If John Bourque was able to deliver on his promise to Eric Mims in this 2017, then indeed 2017 would have been the year for Hurting in the Dark Shareholders to realize for the first time that John Bourque was able to deliver what he promised in 2011.

Alas, 2017 was included in that crash & burn with those sales John Bourque was unable to hold onto.

Other companies considering buying Kryron were watching very closely on the Mims Motors experience with Bourque Industries, knowing that the history of John Bourque from 2011 to date did not bode well for trust leading to success.

As for 2018 being our year, the Mims Motor debacle has placed Bourque Industries success in a Catch 22. For no other company will place an order for Kryron until Bourque Industries records success with a company, and here no company will be the one to allow Bourque Industries to record that success.

Thus 2018 "may be our year" where Bourque Industries declares bankruptcy even as the manufacturing of Kryron "high temperature" problem was solved.

It's sad that when 1 in 100 Hurting in the Dark Shareholders throw turds at John Bourque, that John Bourque's reflex is such that those 99 Hurting in the Dark Shareholders that don't disrespect John Bourque receive that same "go to hell" reaction direction towards that 1 in a 100. This is why John Bourque denies any and all company status communication to all shareholders, so as to shit on that 1 of an 100. But then maybe JII's comment of 2011 is still true today when John Bourque spoke "I don't give a shit about the shareholders."
