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11/13/17 2:36 PM

#300705 RE: fourkids_9pets #300703

nah there is nothing nefarious about NRs' hidden or mirrored *trades*
on PTOI (currently an OTC survivor)

it falls under the category of *they all collude* (and they = NR)

especially when it comes to those OTC companies that came public a decade
or so ago .. via a R/M .. ;)
and yet remain *survivors* to this day ..

wanna chuckle .. for years .. we all got to *read* that there was
no such thing as a *short* in any OTC stock .. i kid you not
of course like a few other well placed and factually false claims
.. with that bogus bs being *exposed* for the lie it was in Feb 2010 ..

what is really ironic .. is what is en route specific to RT (real time)
transparency .. if some think T+2 has had an impact .. what does T+ zero yield

the loss of 24 hours may not seem like much .. but 3 days certainly will have impact *against those who rig*

even better for those OTC targets that have *outlasted* NRs' rigged game
is understanding exactly why *timing* matters

so far P2O (company) has outlasted .. and has done so while retaining
actual *investors* in the 4 years since P2O was wrested back ..

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11/14/17 12:15 PM

#300723 RE: fourkids_9pets #300703

almost every tape of (daily) trades .. has either hidden or mirrored trades

PTOI .. note the hidden trade done b4 the bid feed @ 031 ..

curious to see if either *mirrored* trade is claimed and/or marked

currently .. note the time stamp for first trade

11:31:17 0.031 2000 OTO .. @ NN's bid *adjusts* 20000 to 18000
11:31:17 0.03284 2000 OTO .. hidden
09:30:03 0.039 1530 OTO .. @ NN's ask NC 10000 size

PTOI volumg avgs ..

Volume 5,530
Volume (10 day Average) 48,356
Volume (90 day Average) 47,551

B/A ..

NITE 0.031 18,000 11:31
CSTI 0.02 10,000 08:30
CDEL 0.01 38,901 09:30
VNDM 0.005 10,000 11/13
MAXM 0.0001 10,000 07:35
CANT 0.0001 10,000 08:30
ETRF U 0 11:49

NITE 0.039 10,000 11/13
CSTI 0.04 10,000 08:30
VNDM 0.051 10,000 11/13
CDEL 0.056 374,350 09:30
ETRF 0.129 96,000 11:49
CANT 0.292 2,500 08:30
MAXM 200.00 1 07:35

as always .. time stamp input appreciated (either side) ..

will update accordingly

link back ..
