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Frayed Knot

11/11/17 7:28 AM

#54479 RE: FastEddie01 #54478

It's simple to see by reading it that McCusker Holdings is broke and under tremendous stress financially.


But maybe we are to believe that all "multi-million" dollar companies have to sneak out of their offices in the middle of the night because they knew they hadn't paid rent for months.

And that all CEOs are kicked out of the home he (McCusker) is RENTING...

Not to mention all the lawsuits shown in the Bankruptcy.

BUT being "only a Personal bankruptcy", is suppose to not reflect on MHC.

Give me a small break.

Huggy Bear

11/11/17 11:13 AM

#54497 RE: FastEddie01 #54478

It's simple to see by reading it that McCusker Holdings is broke and under tremendous stress financially.

It's ok. They have 2 billion more freshly authorized shares of MHHC to blow out now.

And when that is not enough, they will just authorize more.

What comes first I wonder, another raise in the AS or some actual financial disclosures for this McCluckster HOLDINGS Corp?