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General Grievous

11/10/17 9:04 PM

#129487 RE: wrenchman #129469

I feel like I just need to know more of the implementation of the product I guess. My family works in insurance with names like progressive all state etc and they all tell me the same thing that there are already apps for the phone thing and things like snap shot for insurance companies to monitor your driving. I already knew these things existed but in perplexed as to how Steve is selling so many of these when you can get it for free.. I dunno i just feel like an outsider when it comes to what this company is doing with the bsafe mobile thing... and I want to understand why all these dealerships and taxi services are spending so much money on it? I dunno I’m just lost I guess lol

Does based mlbile only monitor ur cellphone or does it also monitor ur driving? And why would an insurance company need bsafe when there are already similar products out there jay Monitor driving and apps too that phones m. Not trying to downplay the success here just trying to get comfortable with it