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11/10/17 9:01 PM

#12102 RE: Longer Than Most #12098

I am not trying to talk badly as I am holding this stock over the weekend just like you, and I dont mean to take anything away from the strength of this stock because this is one of the strongest OTC stocks coming out of trips that I have seen. I think this is a great post and I agree with you but I have ONE thing to add. I am nervous and seriously contemplated selling before close.

Nobody should feel safe in this stock. This stock has a skull n bones and is labelled Caveat Emptor (buyer beware) on otcm. Nobody should ever feel 'safe' holding a stock like this. I have seen stocks like this halted/suspended many many times as they are the main OTC stocks targeted by the SEC. Be careful here. Nothing is really known yet. I have done my DD now, and I am sure I know the exact same you do. Nobody really knows.

Anyway, it could turn out amazing and completely legit too, I am just saying, be careful. That's my take on it, and is why I mostly only flip this


11/11/17 1:51 AM

#12110 RE: Longer Than Most #12098

Ha Ha everyone must be on the same wave length just posted something similar too funny $ATPT