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01/07/20 10:05 AM

#13345 RE: Hystart #3797

Here is another post in 2017 (3797):
TMATT, Just my opinions, I am not high on the space right now that is all. Whether it is in Europe or the US. None of them are making much money. Energy is still really cheap, dirt is cheap, BLSP has no technology advantage, no operational advantage, no business plan advantage, and no financial advantage? What differentiates them from the rest of the herd? Most of this industry is on life support most of time. It is a tough business. Ask yourself "why would BLSP" do any better than all the others that have been in the market far longer? They do not make anything? They do not do any of their own sourcing of feedstock, they sell their power to a major power producer. Where is the "secret sauce"?

I know you mention "other" green attributes? They do not make wind/solar devices? There are literally thousands of companies who buy proven technology and attempt to distribute it and or operate it?

I have NO axe to grind with BLSP, but to think they are going to "break" out by doing the same thing so many others have done before is pure HOPE. And the one thing I have learned over the years, "HOPE is a VERY POOR BUSINESS STRATEGY".

I wish them well, but as a hobby I watch these types of businesses raise and fall. It personally pains me to see them take peoples money and burn through it and end up with nothing.

Read the history of Harvest Power. I knew these guys from the beginning and from the beginning it was a failed plan, I told the investors when they came to us for help it was a failed plan. It was green and the they had a very powerful marketing presentation, really good power points. But they had NOTHING that differentiated them from all the others. What happened, well the executive team made a lot of money, the company ate a lot of money and then FAILURE. No secret sauce, same thing as all the others. BOOM