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11/09/17 7:26 PM

#42341 RE: blueyedcatch #42339

What’s the optimum effect if they didn’t cover shorts? To sell at the bottom?

Dragon Lady

11/09/17 9:43 PM

#42354 RE: blueyedcatch #42339

Quote, "fidelity sold and someone bought every share they sold,,wonder who will be the big adder in the inst. % numbers."

Blue, I like ya buddy, ya know that...but here's the problem in that "theory" above.

1) YES, someone "bought the shares" as Fidelity, and now we know several other's who fall under the "institutional holder" banner, have been unloading...but it wasn't Joe Q. Public or another "institution".

2) How do we know that? Cause the selling CUT THE STOCK A "HIGH AND TIGHT" haircut as we used to call um, of about a 60% LOSS to the common share price- from the $8 bucks a share range prior "base" to now $3 and barely some change.

3) THAT MEANS, the main "buyers" have been market makers, who MUST BUY to "maintain a market", and thus they DROP THE PRICE when they buy, IF, IF there is no "net buying pressure", meaning Joe Q. Public or another "institution" AIN'T THERE BUYING or TAKING THE BAIT, else the price would still be at $8 bucks or even higher- if "SOMEONE BOUGHT EVERY SHARE SOLD"....that's how it "works" in the market.

SO, now the market makers have too much inventory- so what do you get? You get EXACTLY what we've been seeing- every little micro "up blip" which is probably Joe Q. Public or a small "institutional investor" saying ya know, I'm gonna buy $20K worth of that ADXS today, it blips up, the BAMM, it takes a knock-out punch as the MM unloads inventory to "make the spread" and keep selling all those shares they had to absorb when Fidelity and others were "selling large".

SO, as of right now, there's been no "NET BUYING PRESSURE", or "UPSIDE PRESSURE" as it would be called- it just ain't been there buddy, for months now....and it ain't "shorting" now or "HFT" (at least not a lot of it) as the Fidelity numbers just "TOLD THE TRUE TALE" we've all been searching for...unloading shares in the MILLIONS on a stock like thee textbook "event" that can sink it 50% or 60% as we saw the market makers WILL NOT EVER, EVER, EVER get "stuck with inventory" on a higher risk stock (they might not mind keeping a little extra Apple or Amazon, but NO market maker is gonna be a bag holder on some higher risk small cap stock- not ever, so PRICE GOES DOWN), so they insure they drop the price as "THEY BUY" to try and insure they can find a "buyer" later, usually almost immediately like the same day or next few days to a week at the max, to take the shares off their hands and still "make the spread" which is their bread and butter....

That's the best I can explain it...this has been good ole NET SELLING PRESSURE and no NET BUYING PRESSURE has yet to show up to move the needle as we TONY BETTER FREAKING DELIVER SOMETHING HERE SOON...and it ain't encouraging to here him speak of "HIRING MORE PEOPLE" when IMO, they should be cutting 10% of the staff, taking across the board pay cuts...and as I stated prior...treating THEIR CASH, which is like if it's the last 1/2 inch of water in a tin cup....and they're standing in the middle of the Sahara, waiting to be's "serious time", but they don't seem to me to play ball like they're serious....

They gotta get a killer "business" mindset IMO (Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos)...and that means ruthless, cut throat, aggressive, live or die...combat...the dogfight....whatever it takes to win....TONY IS IN A DOGFIGHT IMO...but he acts like he doesn't even know how to take off and land yet...let alone fly the plane at the edge of its performance envelope...the difference between winning and losing is fighting like you're in the last battle of your life...and they seem to be playing kiddy ball...

WE NEED THE BEST...they need to PERFORM AT TOPGUN LEVELS, everyday they wake up and put their feet on the floor...this is about serious money and LOSING SERIOUS OPM, OTHER PEOPLE'S MONEY...just like those in a real life DOGFIGHT are talking usually about life and death....there's actual schools/coaches who now teach "dogfighting" like skills, for's a similar dynamic and mindset...if one wants to win, and winning is everything in a dogfight a famous movie line once said, "THERE'S NO POINTS FOR SECOND PLACE"...and that's the truth....

THE BEST, NOT THE GUY WHO GETS SECOND PLACE...and my confidence in the ole "BEST PLACE NEW JERSEY TEAM" is starting to fade a bit....they look like the back-up team, the 2nd place prize winners....NOT GOOD ENOUGH and they don't appear to have their damn HEADS IN THE big league ball, like the World the DOGFIGHT they really are in...and that's cause to worry..."BEST SCIENCE IN THE WORLD"...and if they can't fund it and these shares ARE THEIR "CURRENCY", and if they aren't hungry as a pack of wolves....then they IMO don't "get it" or don't care enough....or aren't serious to me....

A great line from a great movie..."YOU BOYS ALL WANNA KNOW WHAT MAKES THESE ROCKET SHIPS GO UP....FUNDING...THAT'S WHAT...NO FUNDING...NO BUCK ROGERS"....from "The Right Stuff", wanna know what "MAKES THE BEST CANCER CURE SCIENCE IN THE WORLD GET TO MARKET"....FUNDING...and WINNING MGT...that's what...all else is second place....