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11/09/17 1:12 PM

#26141 RE: gotmilk #26138


So an emoji or emojis of a bank, used by millions of 13 year old acne faced teenagers everyday across the world to communicate to each other, is a sure fire sign that Bourque Industries is now bankable.

Thank you , now that Ive been informed of my lack of knowledge of the current state of corporate communication to shareholders, Ill be sure to brush up on this, as Im sure other Fortune 500 companies will be using this communication format in their pr's.

Very reassuring , and consistent, clear high quality corporate communication for a CEO of a public company.

Once again , thank you Bourque Management, you guys provide a whole new insight into corporate governance.
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11/10/17 11:03 AM

#26142 RE: gotmilk #26138

If JB let's his domain name/website expire, I'm going to purchase it so he will have to buy it back from me and I will not accept turd shares of his company.. I've already started to do the research on it.